Not on My Turf
In early April, the City Council heard a presentation by Lage Design about staff’s recommended option to remove 35% of the turf at the...

Online Legal Services–Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later
With the increased popularity of available online services, legal document preparation has also gone the way of the World Wide Web. Users...

Minimizing Your Risks as a Buyer
Purchasing residential or commercial property always involves significant risk. Fortunately, as a buyer, there are several ways you can...

A Signature Moment
A signature can have several legal effects. A signature on a contract indicates acceptance of the contract’s terms. A signature on a...

Community Property
Nevada is one of only nine community property states. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that community property is an area of law not...

When Contracts Go South
Many types of remedies are available in a typical breach-of-contract case. Consider the simple example of a seller agreeing to sell 200...

Fraud in Nevada
Most of us have heard the terms “insurance fraud” and “securities fraud.” And we probably all know someone who has been a victim of one...

Don’t Leave the Fate of Earnest Money Deposit Funds to Chance
In almost any real estate transaction, the seller requires the purchaser to pay an initial deposit known as earnest money, which is...

The Virtues of Compromise
When potential clients approach me to discuss their options for resolving legal disputes, filing a lawsuit is often foremost in their...

To Disclose or Not to Disclose
Nevada’s Residential Seller’s Real Property Disclosure Form Under Chapter 113 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”), most sellers of...