Protecting Your Assets -- What Works / What Doesn't
One of the risks of owning property, doing business, or simply living and breathing in today’s world is that you’ll one day be sued and...

Over the years, I’ve advised numerous clients about the risks and benefits of lawsuits. Many of my cautionary warnings focus on the...

Real Estate Brokers and the Procuring Cause Doctrine
Because real estate brokers typically work on a commission basis, disputes often arise as to whether they are entitled to compensation or...

Don't be a Nuisance
Some home owners believe that they can build or do anything on their own property regardless of how it impacts their neighbors. After...

Community Property
Nevada is one of only nine community property states. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that community property is an area of law not...

Residential Security Deposit
Whether tenants are entitled to a refund of all or a portion of their security deposit is often one of the more hotly contested issues...

Dealmaking and the Duty to Disclose
One of the thornier issues of any agreement to transfer property is whether and, if so, the extent to which the seller has a duty to...

Landlord-Tenant Law: Trap for the Unwary
Over the past few years, it seems that more people are renting than ever before. While that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the resulting...

Fraud In Nevada
Most of us have heard the terms “insurance fraud” and “securities fraud.” And we probably all know someone who has been a victim of one...

Implied Warranties
Many homes, products, and services come with express warranties–written assurances that the residence, goods, or work will meet certain...